SJID accepts applications on an on-going basis. Applications are kept on file for at least six months. Whereupon a position becomes available, applications on file will be reviewed for possible candidates first.
Applications may be printed (click here) or may be picked up in the office during regular office hours (Monday - Friday 8a - 4p).
Specific positions are not advertised on this website. Due to low turnover, when positions do become available, they often fill quickly.
SJID Employee Benefits
Employee healthcare, dental, vision, accident, and life policy provided at NO cost to the employee.
Extended coverage for health and dental available on a cost share basis. 50% of cost for first year employees, declining 10% with each completed year of service; whereupon the 5th year of service the cost share to the employee becomes 0%.
SJID is a member of the Florida Retirement System (FRS). Additionally, SJID offers an optional 457b plans (including a 457b Roth) to employees.
Types of positions at SJID
click link to see example job description
Crew Leaders (promoted from within)
Administrator (hired directly by Board)
905 122nd Ave SW
Vero Beach, FL 32968
Current Job Vacancies: 0