Design Exhibits

Exhibit I, Culvert Design Criteria (Acreage)

Exhibit II, Culvert Design Criteria (Distance)

Exhibit III, Culverted Canal Crossing

Exhibit IV, Culvert Connections (Types A-F)

Exhibit V, Restoration of Canal Berms

Exhibit VI, Overhead Utility Crossing (3 pages)

Exhibit VII, Under Canal Utility Crossing

In 2015 SJID adopted the land development regulations (LDRs) of Indian River County.  If there is a conflict between the permit manual and the LDRs, the LDRs prevail.

In July 2021, permits and pre-permitting requested by non-landowners must have the new Agent forms: Request for Pre-Application Project Review Contract; Landowner Authorization for Agent and Notice of Financial Responsibility.

Cows in a field

905 122nd Ave SW
Vero Beach, FL 32968

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Permits are issued to protect SJID's ability to effectively and safely use the canals, levees, and rights-of-way, while providing for compatible public and private uses.

Note: Operational Guidelines are found on the Operations Page.